A little bit of the big time

1 10 2010

It’s that time of the year again when us mere mortals are given the chance to play football on a world stage. I’m talking about the release of FIFA 11 across all formats today. It’s the closest many if us can come to being real footballers (except the prostitute visits) and retailers are falling over themselves to offer the lowest price for the game.

Inevitably, the grocers are offering the best price points with ASDA pushing FIFA 11 for 97p when you trade in a selected game and Sainsbury’s doing it for £25 when you spend £30 in store. A good deal for the consumer at last.

Review to follow – FIFA 11 that is, not the prostitute – (worst £6.80 I’ve ever spent).

There’s been a  big retailer marketing push behind this too. Here’s the trailer / fancy TV advert: